
spring cleaning

Last week I’d finally had enough of the junk yard that was my lower kitchen cabinet, so I decided to empty it out, clean it up, throw away what I no longer needed, and re-organize it. I got rid of some pyrex that I no longer used, a tart pan, some juice pitchers, and a mixing bowl. I also had to move the shelf up a notch because one of the pegs had stripped out the hole it was in and so the shelf was just kind of hanging there in that corner (not a good thing when you have heavy pots and pans on that shelf!). To solve the issue of all the muffin tins and rarely used frying pans, I pulled out some tension rods that I had tucked away and made dividers for the bottom right side. See for yourself:
It also gives me room in front of them to throw my little things like the steamer basket and cheese grater. I made sure to put the frequently used things in the front so that I wouldn’t have to rummage so much. If you’ve not organized your cabinets since you moved in, I highly recommend doing so. I had originally set them up in the way that I thought would be most efficient for the kitchen, but it turns out I was wrong. I think you have to ‘live’ in a kitchen for a while to get a good idea for the best places for everything. Oh, and here’s the finished product:
Cooking is so much more fun now that it’s easy to find stuff! It’s quieter too – no more banging pots and pans to get something out!
