
Saving Face

I recently conducted a little experiment to discover what all the hype was about Omega-3. Everyone seems to be hailing it’s glory and I wanted to know if it was worth it. Last week I picked up a bottle of Molecularly Distilled Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dietary Supplement from Trader Joes for $8.00 and proceeded to take 1 (containing 1100mg fish oil and 500mg epa & dha) with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’d heard it would help my heart, my mood, my digestion, my libido, and my skin. So, let’s break it down.
Heart: I’ll take the AHA’s word for it.
Mood: maybe you should ask my husband.
Digestion: I haven’t noticed any difference here, but it’s only been a week.
Libido: I’m not complaining.
Skin: This is the one that really got me. On day three of beginning the supplement, I noticed perkier, less tired looking skin.

I have combination (sensitive and oily) skin, so in the morning and evening I wash with Cetaphil, which is your basic facial cleanser. At night, I slather on a good bit of Vitamin E cream and sometimes (costs are prohibitive) I’ll use Aveda’s Tourmaline Charged Eye Cream. My main concerns in taking the fish oil was whether it would a) cause my evil teenage acne to reappear and b) whether it would cause distasteful burping and other embarrassing airs. So far, I haven’t noticed any ill side effects and I’m thrilled with my skin! It was ridiculously affordable compared to the other products that claim to do the same thing. For the first time since I became a mommy I don’t feel the need to wear concealer and I don’t have buyers regret! In short, my review of the fish oil hype is this: it seems work miracles for my skin. As to the rest of the claims……..(shrug).

If you choose to try this supplement, please remember to use common sense. Drink lots of water, don’t take it on an empty stomach and, as always, if you have special heath needs, consult your doctor before beginning any new dietary habits.

2 Responses to “Saving Face”

  1. 1 kyriosity
    October 10, 2007 at 3:36 pm

    Betsy (the one at church, not the one here) told me fish oil would be good for my joint troubles. Since the rest of those benefits — well…almost 😉 — would come in handy for me, I think I just might check this stuff out.

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